Now I am a lover, as you know of citrus flavoured cakes, after reading through Dell’s recipe I couldn’t wait to bake this cake! I hadn’t planned on baking anything today after yesterday’s” White Chocolate Heaven” muffins, but I just couldn’t hold back until this weekend to try the recipe out. This recipe is very easy to follow and it was such an enjoyment to bake this cake. I know this cake will now stay in my favourite list of what to bake!!
The only things I have altered to the recipe are, the temperature to the oven due to having such a fierce fan oven myself. I baked my cake at 150°C for about 1 hour. I added a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the sponge mixture and a little lime zest to the icing, this is only because I just cannot help myself tinkering with any recipe I come across. I should have put that as one of my bad habits in my Meme!
I even thought this cake would be just as delicious made with lemon. Would you lemon or Lime it? :D
Ingredients (serves 8)
250g butter, softened
2 limes, rind finely grated, juiced
1 cup caster sugar
3 eggs, separated
2 cups self-raising flour, sifted
210ml buttermilk
Lime icing
1 cup pure icing sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon milk
1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons lime juice
Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease and line a 20cm (base) round cake pan.
Using an electric mixer on high speed, cream butter, 1 tablespoon lime rind and sugar in a small bowl until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks, 1 at a time, mixing well after each addition.
Transfer to a large bowl. Stir in half the flour. Add half the buttermilk and 1 tablespoon lime juice. Stir to combine. Fold in remaining flour and buttermilk and 1 tablespoon lime juice. Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites in a clean bowl until soft peaks form. Fold into batter.
Spread batter into cake pan and smooth surface. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes in pan. Turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.
Make lime icing: Combine icing sugar, milk and enough lime juice to form a thick icing.
Spread icing over top of cake. Allow to set before serving.
Another lovely bake Rosie, I am sure Dell will be very proud ;o)
Hi Maria, awe thanks and I just hope I've made Dell proud of her recipe! :D Thanks for calling by sweetie!
Rosie x
Oh man. What a perfect taste for this time of year, fresh and springy. It looks wonderful. As for lemoning or liming it--I'd take it either way. Or both, for a citrus jolt!
Hi Rosie,
This sounds lovely and I'm a lover of all things lime and lemon so either would be ok w/ me! I made a Meyer Lemon Loaf the other day... did you see that one on my blog? Thanks for stopping by- your blog is lovely too :)
I too sew this in her place.
I love these lemon cakes. For me cakes like these are the best.
Did you get the comment i wrote in your white cup cake post?.
WHile i finishe writting and clicked it, didn't know if it went or not.
Hi Cakespy, oh I love the idea of a citrus jolt and adding both mmmm – thumbs up from me! :D
Hi Recipegirl, Lovely to see you here and welcome . Oooh your Meyer Lemon Loaf was a beautiful bake and your curd had me drooling!!
Hi Happy, yes a lovely bake from dear Dell – I’m such a sucker for a good citrus burst in bakes. You must try Dell’s recipe sometime I’m sure you will love it as much as I. Bless thank you I did get your lovely comment on the White chocolate muffins! :D
Thanks ladies for all your kind comments and for taking the time to call by!
Rosie x
I also love citrus in baking - I'd like to have a go making this with lemon, I think ^__^. Looks great!
Hi indigo, welcome so nice to *see* you & thanks for popping by :) I can't make my mind up here now erm ... lemom, lime or both lol Such a great bake that Dell posted I knew I had to bake it asap!
Rosie x
I liked your twist with the lime. Sounds very good.
Rosie, either or...depending on what's freshest.
A lovely pie.
I think I would try lime simply because I have a bag of them in my fridge :D It sure does look good Rosie...almost supper time :D
I feel all left out now! I want some!!!!!
Yum Rosie - I love citrus flavoured cakes too. I'll have to check out Dell's site!
I give up....I'm just coming to your house!!!LOL...
rosie u baked a lovely cake and I can imagine the taste from the pic
u got a surprice in my blog chech it out
This sounds wonderful, I am craving a bit of a lemon cake right now (yesterday's piece at starbucks was hardly enough!)
Hi Rosie,
Your cake looks lovely, i love lemon and lime flavours, it's a tough choice but I think i would 'lime' it too! My mum makes a very tasty lemon cake though! It's lovely and refreshing in spring!
lemon or lime??? well u'd go for anything if my cake looked like this... simply yummmmm.... :)
Hi Ivy, I’m just drawn I think to any citrus fruit in general but the lime was excellent in this cake!
Hi Peter, great answer you are so right about the fruit being fresh with all its lovely mouth watering juices mmmm…
Hi Val, oh wow a bag of limes ready for the taking – splendid indeed! :
Hi Ruth, you are most welcome to a slice :D
Hi Cakelaw, please do pop along to Dells its such a lovely recipe :D
Hi Donna, anytime sweetie and I’ll bake a special cake just for you :D
Hi Sargi, it really is a delicious flavoured cake – a must bake! Awe thank you sweetie for the Award it’s made my day !! :D
Hi Pixie, you are most welcome to a slice – never tasted Starbucks cakes before *blush* ……
Hi Mrs B, I think it is the refreshing clean taste of citrus fruit that makes it so pleasing in a cake. Perhaps you will blog your mums lemon cake sometime plz ?? :D
Lovely to see you all and thanks for your kind comments!
Rosie x
I saw this cake on Dell's blog and thought it looked fantastic! Your version is beautiful,,,now I can't wait to make this:)
Hi snakebite, awe thanks you really have put a huge smile on my face! :D
Hi Half Baked, Ahhh thank you! I do hope you try this cake out its a great recipe of Dells :D
Thank you both for your kind words much appreciated!
Rosie x
Loove this recipe with the lovely brightness of the limes. Limes! Limes! Limes! When we make this, it will be our first lime cake. We'll make sure to credit you for the idea!
I love citrus flavour desserts..and just wish I could dig into this!! Looks inviting!!
Read your meme too...nice to know more about you Rosie!!
Cheers and all the best!!
Hi White on Rice Couple, welcome to my little spot on the net and lovely to *see* you here! :D
This buttermilk lime cake is gorgeous and I really would appreciate the credit but this cake is not my invention sadly (I only wish it was) it’s from a great recipe posted by Dell at Cooking & The City.
Hi Swati, I wish I could just pass you a slice over to try ;) Lol yes MeMe’s are good to getting to know about the person even the nitty gritty bits heehee..
Thank you both for calling by always lovely to see you here!
Rosie x
Hi Dell, thank you SO much sweetie for sharing this recipe on your blog! :D It is a beautiful cake and one I will be baking many times!!
You cake looks delicious sweetie and the icing is perfect - no need for any icing tips you already have great skills!!
Hugs Rosie x
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