I have been tagged for a MeMe from two wonderful ladies - Pixie at asweetart and Cakelaw from Laws of The Kitchen. Thanks ladies for the tag it’s such an honour to be tagged by two such delightful bloggers
The Instructions for this MeMe are that you select 5 people to tag back and link to the person who tagged you and the people you are tagging. Nest step leave a comment on the peoples blog you have chosen to meme.
I am quite an introverted person and talking about ones self doesn’t come natural to me. I am one of those people who will sit in the background away from the limelight, which may come as quite of a shock to you but here goes …….
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was working full time in the elderly care sector, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I have a lot of patience and I felt empathy for those who required not just general care but someone they could relate to and feel comfortable enough to share their personnel stories with. I have always been one to choose the underdog in any situation from being a child so for me this was my chosen path.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
It isn’t so much different from a year ago as today if I’m being honest. I would be found pottering in my kitchen cooking and baking cakes and generally looking after my family now that I am in very early retirement.
Five snacks you enjoy:
1. It just has to be chocolate in any form shape or size *giggle*
2. Homemade freshly baked bread and butter
3. Fresh fruit
4. A slice of homemade lemon or lime cake
1. It just has to be chocolate in any form shape or size *giggle*
2. Homemade freshly baked bread and butter
3. Fresh fruit
4. A slice of homemade lemon or lime cake
5. The occasional bag of crisps
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Would be to hunt out and buy an old farmhouse with a large kitchen. I have always wanted to have space in a kitchen where a huge wooden kitchen table and chairs can be placed in the centre for family and friends to sit around.
2. I would love to be able to take holidays by flying in my own private jet plane (I wish lol) with my family.
3. Of course I have one particular charity in mind that I hold very dear and would really be able to provide more monies for them.
4. One wish I have should I ever win the million lotto (who knows) would be to fund a sanctuary for ex- amount of unwanted dogs and cats. My idea would be for each animal to have like their own room with a sofa, bed all the luxuries loved pets have without knowing.
5. Simple luxury for my last choice, that my hubby and children have a choice of which car they would like to own.
1. Would be to hunt out and buy an old farmhouse with a large kitchen. I have always wanted to have space in a kitchen where a huge wooden kitchen table and chairs can be placed in the centre for family and friends to sit around.
2. I would love to be able to take holidays by flying in my own private jet plane (I wish lol) with my family.
3. Of course I have one particular charity in mind that I hold very dear and would really be able to provide more monies for them.
4. One wish I have should I ever win the million lotto (who knows) would be to fund a sanctuary for ex- amount of unwanted dogs and cats. My idea would be for each animal to have like their own room with a sofa, bed all the luxuries loved pets have without knowing.
5. Simple luxury for my last choice, that my hubby and children have a choice of which car they would like to own.
Five bad habits:
Oh heck I’m dreading this one, we all have bad habits but don’t like to talk about them do we?
1. Back tracking after locking up the house, I have to go back and check that I have turned the oven off, lights, TV. etc
2. I am a perfectionist and sometimes this can really get on my families nerves.
3. I worry too much at times for my own good i.e. take care when driving and please text when you get there to my family, it must drive them up the wall (excuse pun) lol.
4. Taking control of the T.V remote when sat watching T.V. it must drive the family bonkers!
5. Gosh *blush* I confess to hoarding things - I always think oh I’ll keep that it will come in handy one day!!
Five things you like doing:
1. I just adore baking
2. Chilling out sat with a book and feet up
3. Rummaging through second-hand bookshops for out of print cookbooks
4. Blogging of course and viewing and reading the many great Blogs out there.
1. I just adore baking
2. Chilling out sat with a book and feet up
3. Rummaging through second-hand bookshops for out of print cookbooks
4. Blogging of course and viewing and reading the many great Blogs out there.
5, Listening to music

1. It would have to be platform shoes – I fell off mine one time and ended up spraining an ankle
2. Oxford bag trousers with all that material swinging at the bottom eek!
3. Huge shoulder pads from the 80’s - made me look like I had Rambo’s shoulders lol
4. Tight leggings - looking back now how horrible they were
5. Those fancy thick patterned tights -yuk
Five favourite toys:
1. It has to be my kitchen Aid mixer, how would I manage without her now?
2. Digital camera – a must have for me
3. My computer, I’d feel lost now without it
4. My mobile phone
5. My kitchen Aid liquidiser
I would like to tag my five chosen people but please take your time I know how busy life can be. I know this meme is flying around the blogging world so sorry if I’ve tagged you again!
Claire at Claires Cake Bake
David at Book The Cook
Steph at Cupcake, my love
Nags at For The Cook In Me
Sargi at Indian cooking
5. My kitchen Aid liquidiser
I would like to tag my five chosen people but please take your time I know how busy life can be. I know this meme is flying around the blogging world so sorry if I’ve tagged you again!
Claire at Claires Cake Bake
David at Book The Cook
Steph at Cupcake, my love
Nags at For The Cook In Me
Sargi at Indian cooking
These are wonderful answers Rosie! Gives us a "peek" into the more personal side of you! You're a wonderful person sweetheart! Never change! hughugs
i love reading meme!! im glad to know more about my dear rosie :-) as for the platform shoes you can pass them on to me..i would need some to increase my height hahahaha
thanks for tagging me rosie ,I will do that
Hi Donna, such kind words - thank you sweetie!! hug hug :D
Hi Dhanggit, with my hoarding I think I threw my platform shoes out 10 years after they went out of fashion - *wink* *wink* I knew I should have kept them for something! Teehee...
Hi Sagari, thank you sweetie and hope you enjoy your meme!
Thanks ladies for popping by always lovely to *see* you!
Rosie x
Enjoyable read ;o)
Thanks Maria :D
Thanks for popping by lovely to *see* you!
Rosie x
Thanks for visiting! Nice to find you too! Good job on the meme. I'm still working on mine.
Oh rosie i loved reading this. I could relate to few of your bad habbits.
When you do win a lottery remember me rosie as i would also love to have a huge kitchen :-))))
Should i start calling you Mrs Rambo
Thanks for leaving such a kind comment on my blog. I too have the bad habit of backtracking after leaving the house. Its crazy! At least I get good exercise running up and down the buildings stairs to double check.:-)
Hi Psychgrad, thanks for calling by and lovely to see you here. I look forward to reading your meme when posted. They do take a little thinking about I agree.
Hi Happy, awe your such a sweetie as always! I sure will remember you my friend too if I ever – keep fingers crossed ;)
Hi glamah, thanks also for calling by and lovely to see you here. I thought it was just me backtracking – it is crazy I know but we are in good company lol ;)
Many thanks for popping by and leaving kind comments!
Rosie x
Rosie, believe me I have some of your bad habits as well :-)
Rosie, it was fun reading gossips and learn more about you! :)
Have a nice evening, Margot
LOL Rosie - I also "back track" and I am a notorious hoarder, so you are not alone. Thanks so much for doing this MeMe - I enjoyed finding out more about you.
Thanks Rosie for participating. It's great to get to know you a bit more. Weren't platforms fabulous at one time? I can hardly wear high heels nowadays.
Hi Ivy, awe bless you it’s great to know I’m not alone with bad habits ;)
Hi Margot, meme are good to get to know our fellow blog friends a little more :D
Hi Cakelaw, thanks for the tag been fun I’d have never guessed another backtracker and hoarder! :D
Hi Pixie, thanks for the tag too! Platforms were the thing of the 70’s for fashion opps that long a go gee!! Lol what’s high heels gosh I’d be stumbling all over the place now in those *wink* :D
Thanks ladies it’s always great to see you here!!
Rosie x
Hi Rosie, thanks for the tag, haven't done on in an age so will get onto it in the next couple of days, just had a few days break in Edinburgh but I've come back even more tired!
Hi David, many thanks for considering the MeMe, it will be a great read I just know it!
You sound as if you need another break to get over the Edinburgh one – lovely City to visit with much to view. It’s been a while now since I last visited.
Best wishes Rosie x
Was nice reading and happy to know you better.
I've always disliked platforms and I would add bell bottomed/ flared trousers/ pants to this group!
Hi Aparna, I'm not alone heehee they were horrible to wear!!
Best wishes Rosie x
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